Self-empowerment techniques for healing
Kinesiology is the tool used to help you make positive energy shifts, focusing on the underlying theme of self-empowerment. This gentle and holistic modality integrates ancient Eastern energetic healing arts with a Western physiological healing science. Using muscle testing as a stress monitor, Kinesiology identifies and corrects imbalances in your chemical, structural, mental and emotional energy systems at a causal level. Kinesiology recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit, in order to promote optimal health.
Kinesiology helps you make life-affirming decisions
Kinesiology helps return you to a state of being in control, enabling you to make life-affirming decisions. Being introduced to this new state of being facilitates one’s journey to health, so you can live with greater purpose, joy and passion. Kinesiology healing is a process of inner healing, one that enables the body’s innate healing to manifest.
Negative emotions and beliefs that cause pain, disease and illness provide us with the opportunity to make major life changes and redirect us onto a more authentic and truthful path.
Repeating patterns and our belief systems
Identifying subconscious belief systems and deeply ingrained survival patterns helps you to avoid the sabotaging behaviours that have prevented you from really thriving, being empowered and living the life you deserve. Survival systems or ‘primary emotions’ can include; Rage, Panic, Seeking, Fear, Care, Play, Lust according to Neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp.
Kinesiology helps us better understand which system may be in stress or overdrive. This awareness and level of insight makes things much clearer, as we are able to diffuse it. It takes us out of survival mode and returns us to a state of choice. Kinesiology is healing and helps us understand our repeated patterns and blockages. It greatly assists by answering the “why” questions, helps us to literally rework these patterns and create new belief systems, so that we can transcend them.
The more open and ready we are for the healing process to occur, the deeper and more profound transitions will become. Kinesiology will only delve as far as you are ready to go. In fact, Kinesiology is merely a tool, the process is entirely your choice.
You already have the answers
Are you ready to gain self-empowerment via Kinesiology?
Learning self-empowerment from the experts
From Dr Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Morse, Gabrielle Bernstein, Dr Robert Cassar to Dr Natasha McBride, I sought to better take control of my health, life and mindset. Learning self-empowerment from the experts, I listened, contemplated, questioned and learned.
I then decided to embark on another type of journey, this time travelling in the traditional sense of the word, to Peru. Again, I was driven by my intuition and I really couldn’t make sense of it at the time. I immersed myself in the healing, which was being afforded by this magical place and spent five months with a Cuarandero, Maestro Don Juan Tangoa Paima. It was a life altering experience and I learned about plant medicine, healing, how to ‘let go’ and the notion of forgiveness. I lived with a family who taught me another way of being, one that was filled with grace, gratitude and ease, despite their less than ideal circumstances. I realised how privileged I truly was.
This period of time was challenging and definitely not easy. I went there for physical healing and didn’t realise that it would ultimately be emotional and spiritual healing that I would gain. Incredible insights were revealed about my soul’s purpose and gift. I realised that my purpose was for understanding and it is this insight that motivates me as a Kinesiologist. By facing my own pain, fear and confusion, I had no choice but to let go, surrender and allow something bigger than myself to guide me. It changed my perspective on life, and reached a state of inner peace that stays with me till this day. Peru was an enormous gift that I hold very dearly to my heart, as it made me realise that there is nothing external to search for, as we hold the answers within. We just need to ask the right questions and be ready to listen.
Kinesiology integrates Eastern and Western medicines
Kinesiology was developed in the 60’s and is a holistic, natural stress management therapy that integrates the ancient wisdom of Eastern medicine with western science, as well as the science of muscle movement. Using muscle testing as a stress monitor, Kinesiology identifies and corrects imbalances in your chemical, structural, mental, emotional and spiritual energy systems. Kinesiology recognises the importance of the body, mind and spirit in achieving healing and therefore your optimal health.
Imagine your life when you choose empowerment
Imagine what your life could be like if you felt empowered and upheld a positive mindset, one where you feel healthy, balanced and content. Choose self-empowerment, move forward and step into the best version of yourself.