I see life as a beautiful reflection of who we are, what we emit and what we receive in return. We are on a healing journey filled with new experiences and it is our heart that guides us to inner happiness. A purity of intention utilises our own positive energy and life force to guide us on a new path. This journey is one of natural healing and holistic health. The energetic healing techniques of Kinesiology help you to best reconnect with your higher self. This is the all knowing aspect of yourself, that little voice inside your head that tells you when something is not in alignment. The process of becoming in tune with your feelings and listening to your body is vital and reflects your journey of self healing.
I guide you to remember your instinctual nature, to have the courage and belief that you can……Our beliefs, imagination and intentions shape our reality and who we envision we will become. I believe in the power of prayer and faith, as they have guided me more times than I can remember on my journey to health.
I’m on the healing journey with you
An important question, is how to take care of yourself? While embarking on a journey to health, I have learnt that nothing substitutes whole foods and deep nutrition to nourish and revitalise our cells. It is imperative that you look after your body, as it is the only one you have. Laughter is the best medicine and I share my journey of love, hope and humour with you.
One thing is for certain, our inner guidance system is the most powerful tool and it’s our job to listen and trust it. The only thing we need to ask ourselves is, “am I really listening?” Revealing our vulnerable side to someone who understands and is empathetic, takes courage and strength. Embracing our own unique story becomes the source of our true power. I have found that illness, pain and fear are opportunities for growth. When we are able to best understand the lessons and find meaning in a given situation, a much deeper part of ourselves is discovered.
Accepting and loving our imperfect selves is so important. We can’t be connected to others if we cannot accept ourselves for who we are at this very moment in time. By sharing my healing journey with you, my dream is that it provides people with hope. My intention is to impart the tools and transmit strength and encouragement, showing you that it is possible to heal yourself. It requires many small steps, hard work, dedication and adopting a new perspective. I invite you to show up and allow the unfolding to take place. I am here to guide you, to honour your process of natural healing and empower you on your journey.
There is nothing to chase outside of ourselves, as we already have all the answers we so deeply desire. I am here to walk with you, to help you realise your own truth and healing via self-empowerment.
Advanced Diploma of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology
Working with Children Check
First aid certificate and CPR