How the Power of the Mind led to Healing
Hi, I’m Anna!
I remember when I was feeling really lost and had a plethora of health complaints like it was yesterday. I became interested in Kinesiology when I experienced a period of really overdoing it and trying to best understand the power of the mind. I was pondering this notion, as at the time, I was making decisions that didn’t come from my heart and soul. I felt as though I was not on my life path and eventually developed chronic fatigue, Lyme disease burnout and a myriad of physical symptoms.
My body had nothing left to give and I was exhausted. The only option was to truly surrender and allow my body the space to heal itself. The problem with which I was confronted was that I didn’t know what was actually wrong. All I knew was that my whole mind, body and spirit collapsed and I was at a loss for answers. Eventually I tried Kinesiology, as I had nothing left to lose.
After my first Kinesiology session, my feelings of anxiety eased and I gained a sense of peace and hope that everything would eventually be okay. Since then, I haven’t looked back. Determined to understand the cause, I was taken on a journey of healing, learning and discovery. In the process of looking for answers for my own health situation, I was being shown my calling. My body has recovered immensely and this was accomplished naturally, without the use of antibiotics or medication.
Apart from receiving Kinesiology balances, one of the first things I learned was Transcendental Meditation. My meditation practice became a sanctuary, a place I could go to journey inward and release the world outside. I was able to experience deep rest and clarity, combined with a feeling of detachment from being on that treadmill of continual thoughts, actions and impulses. Meditation taught me to be an observer and helped me unwind. My experiences with meditation have deepened and I have come to understand that it is less about doing and more about being.
Another pivotal time for me was when I read the book, “The power of intention” by the late Dr Wayne W. Dyer. It was after being deeply moved by what I read that I learned to really trust my intuition.
I distinctly remember the day I had a quite long ‘to do’ list, however instead of focusing on the list, I got in my car and investigated Kinesiology schools. I couldn’t understand it at the time, but I began trusting this process, choosing to follow the guidance I was receiving. It was as though the universe had a plan for me and I merely had to allow it to be realised. Subsequently, Kinesiology became a major tool that would take me on the path I needed to explore. By having the intention that my heart was going to guide me, meant that I was open to the inspiration and felt compelled to take a detour that day. It literally changed the course of my life.
My journey has taken me on numerous avenues of healing, such as using mother nature’s medicinal herbs, healing leaky gut, finding out about MTHFR, Pyroluria and heavy metals. I learned about methylation, detoxification, chelation and most importantly, mineral rebalancing using hair testing. This scientific methodology combined with adopting a mineral rich traditional ancestral diet and specific supplements, supports the body’s own balance and therefore natural cellular processes.
The body is always giving us signs and signals
and the real question is “are we truly listening?”As a practitioner, I love working with people who are ready and willing to be open, displaying the courage to do the inner work. This is not because they require fixing or are broken but rather, because they know they want to be empowered and reclaim their right to joy, health, happiness and living from a place of truth.
During my healing journey, my compassion, wisdom and intuition have deepened. Two of the biggest lessons learned – being able to say no to the things that were not really important and to actually surrender with patience, allowing myself the time required necessary to heal.
I love the Australian bush and I am most at home in nature, especially the Murray river. This is where my family is based and is where I love to recharge, feeling peace and a sense of connection. I like to spend time in nature, doing yoga, horse-riding, fermenting, meditating in the sun, reading and cooking nutritious food.
I am guided to help as many women as possible reclaim their health, strength and power using these life-changing practices, to become their own sage and healer. I call upon those women who are ready to say YES and show up.
“Hope is not born on mountain tops, but in valleys when you’re looking to the heights and peaks that you’re yet to climb.”